Commercial Marine Electronics
Taylor Marine is a leading supplier and service provider to Australia's commercial fishing fleets. Our range of fish finding and navigation equipment covers inshore fishing vessels to offshore trawlers and longliners. Whether you're looking for a single beam fish finder or multi-beam sounders, sonars and everything in-between we're able to provide leading technology to suit your requirement.
Technology that will improve your catch!
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Furuno FCV-1150 Fish Finder with Heave Compensation
Furuno echo sounders are legendary in both performance and reliability and the FCV-1150 is exactly that, legendary! Coupled with a Furuno SC-33 satellite compass for HEAVING COMPENSATION the FCV-1150 offers high definition echoes of seabed and fish schools on a bonded high bright LCD display.
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Furuno FAR-15x3BB Series High Performance Radar
Furuno's new FAR-15x3 BB series colour radars have hit the market with huge success. Outperforming anything in it's class these high performance radars are packed with high-end features and available in 12kW Furuno FAR-1513BB or 25kW Furuno FAR-1523BB versions.
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WASSP Multi Beam Sonar
Outstanding performance, versatility and value. That's what you expect and exactly what you get with the new WASSP F3 series. This next generation multi beam sonar has been redesigned from the ground up around a new fully digital DRX transceiver. It delivers on every front - accurate, versatile, user-friendly and most importantly, scalable to your exact needs. The only thing that hasn't changed with the F3 series is our commitment to bring you a multi beam sonar at a cost-effective price.

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TimeZero Professional v3
TimeZero Professional v3 allows you to display the bathymetry in 3D using your own sounder. Oceanography forecasts enable smarter decisions to be made using the altimetry service, geostrophic currents, sea surface temperature and plankton and chlorophyll concentration. The PBG and Sounder module work to further enhance the identification of rich fishing grounds and the identification of schools of fish as well as their type.
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Furuno SC-33 Satellite Compass
Furuno's range of high accuracy fast update satellite compasses are fast becoming an essential device to get the very best out of your Furuno navigation and fish finding equipment. The Furuno SC-33 provides a wide variety of navigation information with the highest reliability and accuracy provides GPS Position, Speed Over Ground (SOG), Course Over Ground (COG), Rate Of Turn (ROT), as well as Heaving, Roll & Pitch and naturally Heading. The SC-33 has also been designed to effectively counter multipath errors in order to reach the highest level of reliability.
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